Trading Signals for EUR/USD on Monday, December 09, 2013

Deal with This
Deal with This (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Hi, the last deal of mine I closed after gaining 50 pips. I updated the same on twitter.

So, now it is the new week and hence the time for a new deal. I am again in a mood for going short this week.

I therefore, have the following recommendations:

Short at 1.3701 for a profit of 50 pips as well as a stop loss of same amount of pips.

I kept such a small take profit, because the market has the capacity to reach higher than this, hence I will not ruin my chances of closing the deal at a loss.

Hence, I have kept a neither here nor there kind of a deal today. If the market reaches more heights in this week, then I will keep a bigger take profit. Then probably my short deals will open from 1.3801 levels.

Will surely update once I do the same.

Till then target is on this one.

Take care and keep trading.
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